
Meet Christy L. Brown, J.D.
vnsr威尼斯城官网登入's ninth president

Milwaukee native begins tenure with 2023-2024 academic year

阿尔维诺大学作为一所女子学院的历史是克里斯蒂. Brown was attracted to the presidency.

“我们知道这种环境对年轻人和女性都有好处, 因为当他们进入现实世界时,他们不会有这样的环境,” she says.

阿尔弗诺学院的董事会一致选择了密尔沃基本地和当地执行官接替妹妹安德烈·李, IHM, Ph.D. who ended her service in June 2022. Brown 自2012年起担任威斯康星州东南部女童子军(GSWISE)的首席执行官. She began her tenure at vnsr威尼斯城官网登入 in July of 2023.

Other strengths that Brown sees at vnsr威尼斯城官网登入 are the 8 Abilities学生群体的多样性,方济各会以社会为中心的价值观 justice and equity, and the dedication of faculty and staff.

“我完全被他们对阿尔维诺的关心所震惊, the students and their learning,” she says. “I think some of the awards and recognition that vnsr威尼斯城官网登入 has 多年来收到的礼物证明了这种程度的奉献和关怀.”

Together, 这些都是激励学生选择阿尔弗诺的原因,布朗希望全世界都能注意到这一点.

“I feel like on some level, 阿尔维诺仍然是一个保守得很好的秘密,我们不仅需要我们社区内的人,也需要我们社区外的人了解它是多么珍贵的一颗宝石 is,” she says. “I’ve always admired vnsr威尼斯城官网登入 from afar, and during this process, I learned so much more about it and how much people love it. And now I love it, too.”

Building on vnsr威尼斯城官网登入’s strengths, she will drive academic excellence and innovation, 继续吸引勇敢和有远见的学生,他们希望发展自己和 为他们的社区做出贡献,并扩大vnsr威尼斯城官网登入的国内和国际声誉.

Read more 关于布朗总统的背景和经历的文章发表在 vnsr威尼斯城官网登入 Magazine.

vnsr威尼斯城官网登入's Foundation for Learning

For nearly 50 years, vnsr威尼斯城官网登入的以能力为基础的课程被描述为创新和革命性的. 我们相信知识的真正好处是知道如何应用它,这就是原因 we integrate eight core abilities into our curriculum. The 8 Abilitiesvnsr威尼斯城官网登入体验和学生实践的基础 这些基本技能贯穿于他们的教育过程,并逐渐掌握. Ultimately, 这八项能力是我们的学生和校友脱颖而出的力量 and to succeed both personally and professionally.

vnsr威尼斯城官网登入深深扎根于它称之为家的密尔沃基社区. 它是威斯康星州第一个为西班牙裔服务的机构. We are committed to a diverse and 包容的环境,各种差异都得到认可和接纳.

vnsr威尼斯城官网登入 Infographics. 90 full-time faculty members. More than 60 majors & minors. 阿尔维诺的新生中有70%是第一代大学生. 44% Male, 25% hispanic or latinx, 18% black or african american, 6% asian, 4% two or more races, 1% non-resident, and the remaining 2% are another race or unknown. 很荣幸成为威斯康辛州第一家西班牙裔服务机构. 在2021-22年度,vnsr威尼斯城官网登入女子学院100%的新生本科生都获得了学院的经济资助. 2022年秋季招生:本科生788人,研究生808人.
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